game description
Embark on a thrilling adventure with Super Phantom Rabbit, a courageous bunny who is convinced that he possesses extraordinary superpowers! In this action-packed game, players will accompany this cool and handsome rabbit on his quest to reach the guards positioned at the end of each level. His ultimate goal is to join the formidable guardian army in the last episode, where he will play a crucial role in safeguarding his life and protecting the precious forest he calls home. The journey of the Super Phantom Rabbit is fraught with peril, as he must navigate through treacherous terrain teeming with cool and powerful monsters that seek to thwart his mission at every turn. Players must use their skills and reflexes to help the rabbit overcome obstacles, defeat enemies, and emerge victorious in his quest to become a revered guardian. The game offers an immersive gaming experience with intuitive controls that cater to both desktop and mobile players. By utilizing the WASD keys or mobile touch controls, players can guide the Super Phantom Rabbit through the challenging levels with precision and agility. Additionally, the rabbit has the ability to perform a double jump, allowing for even more dynamic movement and strategic evasion of enemy attacks. For players seeking more thrilling gaming experiences, check out
Release Date: 4 June 2023 , Platform: Web browser (Desktop and Mobile)