Run Zombie Run

    Run Zombie Run

    Run Zombie Run

    webgl webgl mission mission horror horror weapons weapons zombie zombie

    game description

    Welcome to the thrilling and adrenaline-pumping world of Run Zombie Run! In this action-packed game, your mission is to survive in a contaminated city infested with hordes of undead. Armed with various weapons and tools, you must navigate through the dangerous streets, eliminating as many zombies as possible to secure the area.

    Use the controls effectively to outmaneuver the zombie threat and complete your objectives. Use W, A, S, D to walk, the Mouse to look around, the Left Mouse Button to fire your weapon, and the Mouse Wheel to change between different weapons. Be sure to utilize G for grenades, R to reload, F to pick up items, Left Shift to run, Left CTRL to crouch, X to go prone, V for melee attacks, and use the space bar to jump.

    Your objective in this chaotic city is to strategically place 8 dynamite sticks in key locations to create an explosive solution to the undead problem. However, be prepared to face numerous challenges and obstacles as you fight your way through waves of zombies. Are you brave enough to take on this daunting mission and emerge victorious?

    For more heart-pounding gaming experiences, make sure to check out Hula Hoops Rush - Fun & Run 3D Game and Tunnel Runner for more thrilling adventures. If you enjoy battling against the undead, explore the world of Plants Vs Zombies Unblocked for a different take on zombie survival. Good luck on your mission in Run Zombie Run!

    Release Date: 5 June 2023 , Platform: Web browser


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